holistic nurse

wellbeing coach

ana vavrek

Empowering nurses

to take control of their wellbeing

Feeling stressed & overwhelmed?

Maybe you’re already on the brink of burn out?

It’s okay. You’re in the right place.

I help burnt out nurses go from stressed & overwhelmed to

flourishing across all areas of your life and career.

I get it. You love your job but being a nurse is hard work. You're trying to do all the things, but the pressure is relentless at work, the jobs at home are never done.

You desperately want some time out for yourself – to see your friends and be present for your family…but the guilt sets in.

In an ideal world, you’d come to me before you’re on the brink of burnout. But it’s likely that you’re here because you’ve realised you need help.

Does this sound like you?

You want more from life but are a bit lost and not quite sure

what your next move is.

Your body is screaming at you to slow down, but you’re telling

yourself there is no time for that.

You’re multi-tasking and not getting anything done to your

satisfaction levels, which is causing you to doubt your abilities.

You say yes when you really want to say no, but standing up for

yourself feels impossible because you fear being judged or made

to feel not good enough.

You’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and depleted most of the time.

You have no energy and your spark for life disappeared a while ago.

You feel unfulfilled and every day seems to blend into the next.

International Women's Day Heart
International Women's Day Heart

If you’re feeling any of these things know that you’re not alone!

The good news?

It doesn’t have to be this way…

You dont have to soldier on or do this alone.

It IS possible to flourish in your life and career!

Imagine feeling this way instead:

International Women's Day Heart

You arrive at work with a clear sense of purpose and direction.

You know what you want to achieve and why. You are excited about

your future and you are taking steps towards your goals every day.

You are doing work that you are passionate about.

You know who you are at your core and are focused on

what truly matters to you right now.

You are living authentically and intentionally. You are surrounded

by people who love and support you.

You feel confident in your decision-making.

You are able to speak up for yourself and your needs. You are able to set

boundaries and say no when needed. You are able to build and

maintain strong relationships.

You are flourishing, inspired and energetic on a daily basis.

You are looking after yourself without the guilt. You’re making your

physical mental emotional and spiritual wellbeing a priority. You’re taking

care of your needs and you are feeling good about yourself.

It is possible for you

to create the life you want!

Let me show you how!

Hello, I’m Ana!

I’m a Registered Nurse and Qualified Life Coach

specialising in Nurse Wellbeing.

And I know what it’s like to be burned out.

my story

My journey back wasn't a straight line.

First, I tackled the immediate problem – the anxiety and stress. My GP and a counsellor were lifesavers. Lifestyle changes like better sleep and regular exercise followed. But I knew I needed more.

That's when I found a life coach. Working with her wasn't just about managing stress – it was about rediscovering myself. My long-buried creative passions came back to life, and more importantly, I learned to prioritise my wellbeing. Because let's face it, you can't effectively handle future challenges if you're running on fumes.

I don't want you to wait until you hit burnout. I know what it feels like to be drowning, but I also know there's hope. I went from feeling utterly defeated to feeling empowered and in control.

Now, my mission is to help YOU avoid burnout and flourish in your life. Let's create a future where wellbeing is the foundation for your success, not an afterthought.

I’m so grateful that I was able to get the

help I needed.

My journey back wasn't a straight line.

First, I tackled the immediate problem – the anxiety and stress. My GP and a counsellor were lifesavers. Lifestyle changes like better sleep and regular exercise followed. But I knew I needed more.

That's when I found a life coach. Working with her wasn't just about managing stress – it was about rediscovering myself. My long-buried creative passions came back to life, and more importantly, I learned to prioritise my wellbeing. Because let's face it, you can't effectively handle future challenges if you're running on fumes.

I don't want you to wait until you hit burnout. I know what it feels like to be drowning, but I also know there's hope. I went from feeling utterly defeated to feeling empowered and in control.

Now, my mission is to help YOU avoid burnout and flourish in your life. Let's create a future where wellbeing is the foundation for your success, not an afterthought.

“Burnout is a sign

that something in our

lives needs to change -

and that something

might be us.”

- Christina Maslach



A 12 week coaching experience designed specifically for nurses to help you achieve greater wellbeing and success in your career and life.

This is for you if you’re ready to reset your wellbeing, reignite your passion for life, and realign with your purpose.

A program born from my own personal journey

of overcoming burnout, designed to guide you through to create powerful transformation.

In our 12 weeks together you will learn…

  • Practical strategies for managing stress and preventing burnout.

  • How to set boundaries and prioritise your own needs.

  • Effective communication skills for dealing with difficult patients and colleagues.

  • Techniques for cultivating a positive mindset and resilience.

  • How to create a work-life balance that supports your wellbeing.

Mental wellbeing and tranquility

With Flourish, you'll receive...

Open Book icon

Pre-coaching questionnaire


90 min

kickstarter call

Contacts Avatars Computer Half Line   Style Icon

5 x 60 min

1 : 1 calls

Audio Icon

Guided meditations + other resources

Talk Bubbles Message Communication Icon Multiply Line

Voxer support

Mystic Tarot Cards Outline Icon


1 card oracle message


Personalised Strengths

Assessment Report

(valued at $77)

Explore the strengths that are

most central to who you are to boost self-awareness and confidence, cultivate greater happiness, increase engagement and meaning as well as find greater wellbeing.

Stressed to Refreshed

Self Care Guide

(valued at $39)

Reflect on your wellbeing needs

and create a sustainable self-care roadmap to support you on your Flourish journey.

What people are saying...

Quotation Mark


With Ana’s guidance and her insightful questions, I discovered what was holding me back from sticking to my health

and wellbeing goals.

She kept me on track with my vision of having more energy to deal with some pretty overwhelming days.

With Ana’s help I worked out what was draining me physically, mentally and emotionally, and finally found more joy and vitality in both new and old things.

The coaching tools and resources were also an extra supportive bonus to my experience with Ana.

I highly recommend working with her.

She’s compassionate, a really great listener and never tells you what to do. She helps you to find what’s best for you which I found to be incredibly empowering.

Quotation Mark


I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work with Ana. She supported me in uncovering my needs, which went far deeper than my initial goals.

Making small adjustments, honouring my burnt-out body helped me to feel more hopeful about waking up every day. Decluttering my space helped me to feel mentally clear and more productive at work.

Ana cheered me on and kept me accountable, leaving me feeling emotionally strong to tackle tough days. Coaching with Ana saved my life!

Quotation Mark


Ana turned my career confusion into clarity.

My stressful job was taking a toll on me, and self-doubt held me back from applying for promotions.

Thanks to Ana's coaching, I prioritised my wellbeing, discovered my strengths, and aligned my goals with what mattered to me the most.

Now, I've found a fulfilling role, and Ana's support has been crucial in my personal and professional growth. I'm grateful for her guidance and belief in my potential.

Thank you so much Ana for your support.

Your Investment



One payment




Three payments


Pay $1200 AUD in full or make 3 convenient monthly payments of $400 AUD

Want to chat

with me first?

Book your free 30 min call.

We’ll chat about your wellbeing goals and I’ll answer all of your questions.

As a nurse, you dedicate your life to caring for others.

But what about caring for yourself?

It's easy to let self-care fall by the wayside.

However, prioritising your own wellbeing is essential to your success

and happiness as a nurse.

Burnout is a common problem among nurses.

It can lead to exhaustion, cynicism, and a decreased sense of accomplishment.

If you're feeling burned out, you're not alone.

In fact, studies have shown that up to 40% of nurses experience burnout at some point in their careers.

The good news is that burnout is preventable.

With the right tools and strategies, you can learn to manage stress, improve your work-life balance, and rediscover your passion for nursing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the right program for me?

Yes! If you are a nurse, midwife or any nursing professional facing

challenges in wellbeing and work-life balance, Flourish is tailored just for you.

This holistic wellbeing coaching program offers personalised support

to help you navigate the complexities of your role and life.

In Flourish you’ll gain practical strategies to break free

from feeling overwhelmed, stuck and stressed out,

empowering you to proactively manage your wellbeing.

In our time together we focus on creating sustainable and meaningful

habits that go beyond quick fixes, ensuring long-term improvements

in your self-care practices.

Is there a payment plan?

Absolutely! For your convenience there is a monthly payment plan.

I have so many more questions can I talk to you?

Yes! I would love to connect with you to answer all your questions, learn more about your wellbeing goals and tell you more about the program.

To book a time to chat, click the link below.

Imagine how different your life could be a few months from now when you join Flourish!